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eBooks, Audiobooks, and Streaming Video for All Ages!

You can borrow eBooks from the library!!!

In today's increasingly digital world, access to books from home has become a necessity for some.  JMPL is pleased to be able to offer library eBooks to our patrons! 

JMPL partners with OverDrive, an eBook distributor, to provide access to over 50,000 eBook, audiobook, and streaming video titles.  The library belongs to a consortium of libraries throughout the state, with which we share these titles, called "Missouri Libraries2Go". 

If you are using a PC or laptop, please click the button below to be redirected to our eBook borrowing site.  Once there, you'll locate the library by using zip code, city name, or library name.  After selecting "James Memorial Public Library" as your home library, you can access your eBook account by logging in with library card number and PIN that you set up with library staff.  

If you are using a mobile device, please click the appropriate link below to download Libby* for your device.  Once the download is complete, select your library and log in to begin browsing! 

*Libby is not available for Kindle; Kindle users will need to download OverDrive instead. 


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